Rock band The Beatles (60 wallpapers)

The Beatles are individually referred to as the "Beatles"; in English, the group is also commonly referred to as the Fab Four - "The Magnificent Four") - a British rock band from Liverpool, founded in 1960, which included John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. Stuart Sutcliffe, Pete Best and Jimmy Nichol also performed in the group at various times. Most of The Beatles' compositions were co-authored and signed with the names of John Lennon and Paul McCartney. The band's discography includes 13 official studio albums, released from 1963-1970, and 211 songs.

Starting by emulating the classics of American rock and roll of the 1950s, The Beatles came to their own style and sound. The Beatles had a significant impact on rock music and are recognized by experts as one of the most successful bands of the 20th century, both in a creative and commercial sense. Many famous rock musicians admit that they became such under the influence of the songs of The Beatles. Since the release of the single "Please Please Me / Ask Me Why" in 1963, the group began their ascent to success, giving birth to a global phenomenon with their work - Beatlemania. The four were the first British band to hit the US charts and top the charts, and began the worldwide recognition of British bands and the Merseybeat sound of rock music. The musicians of the group and their producer and sound engineer George Martin own innovative developments in the field of sound recording, combining various styles, including symphonic and psychedelic music, as well as filming video clips.

Rolling Stone ranked The Beatles #1 on its list of the greatest artists of all time. On the Rolling Stone 500 list, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. The group has won ten Grammy awards. All four, in recognition of their services to the country, were awarded the Order of the British Empire (MBE). As of 2001, over 163 million of the group's CDs have been sold in the US alone. The total sales of media content units (discs and cassettes) associated with the group have so far exceeded one billion copies.

The Beatles stopped working together in 1970, although Paul and John had been running their own projects since at least 1967. After the breakup, each of the musicians continued their solo careers. In 1980, John Lennon was assassinated near his home in New York, and George Harrison died of cancer in 2001. Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr continue to be creative and write music.

Beautiful wallpaper rock band The Beatles and their photos in high resolution.

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